Thursday, September 15, 2011

Repairs and Reparations

Life is often complicated there always seems to be one thing or another. Family, health, money or some pain I may have caused someone or may have been done to me.

The past two days I have had to work on a repair of one of my sculptures that lives in Minneapolis at the Midtown Global Market. Once a year for the past 5 years I get called to make a repair. It is a bittersweet experience I go feeling sad and guilty and that I did not build it well enough to withstand all the touching these piece get daily. Yet every time I am there people approach me and tell me how much they like these figures. This makes it all worth while, no one has ever scolding me for bad craftsmanship or said anything negative. I built these sculptures for the people that live, work and shop at Midtown I want them to interact with them, which means touching and maybe climbing on them so I will be back next year.

I am blessed and so grateful for all of the love I receive, through my artwork, and through my shop. I am also grateful for the experiences I have had even when they are painful to me, for I grow stronger for the experience.

love and gratitude

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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